1. Withers-Back Length
Measure the back from where the withers starts (where you feel a soft spot in front of the withers) and end where the tail starts.
2. Body Length
Measure above the tip of the sternum (suprasternal fossa), tight over the body and the whole way to the middle of the tail.
3. Belly Depth
Measure from where the withers ends (where you see the withers slope is ending) and straight down to where the different sides meet (where the cowslick is).
4. Neck Depth
Measure from the mane where the withers starts and moving in front of the shoulder to the underside of the neck down to the suprasternal fossa (above tip of the sternum).

4. Neck Depth
Measure from the mane where the withers starts and moving in front of the shoulder to the underside of the neck down to the suprasternal fossa (above tip of the sternum).
5. Chest Width
Measure from the points of the shoulder (humeral bones) and the distance between the outside edges.

4. Neck Depth
Measure from the mane where the withers starts and moving in front of the shoulder to the underside of the neck down to the suprasternal fossa (above tip of the sternum).
6. Neck Length
Measure from the center of the poll and follow the mane to the start of the withers, with your horse’s head up and levelled (when the horse is standing relaxed in the grooming area).